Monday, March 1, 2010

Plateau of Iran

We landed and It was like a breath of fresh air only because we was a little scary in Iraq with the war and because we were on a plane for longer than we expected. It was about noon when we arrived and since I didn't eat anything on the plane I was hungry but Phuong and Allison ate pretzels and little crackers so they weren't. We kinda went our separate ways and I went to get something to eat and they went to check into the hotel. After I was done eating I headed to the hotel. I got there at about 3:30 and had nothing to do so we all went to the local mall. I got a scarf and some cool clothes. Phuong and Allison got scarves. Then we went to the hotel and it was about 7:00 and we went back to the hotel and watched some television. It was kind of hard to watch it though because it was in a different language.

The next day we went to the Plateau of Iran. We had to get a tour guide to get info and to find our way there. Then went to the main office and hired a guide. His name was Abraham and he was so cool and nice. Then he led the way to the Plateau of Iran or the Persian plateau. On the way there he told us some info. He said it was formed from the movement of the Arabian plate and the Eurasian plate. He also said that they extend 1,500 km. We walked and ended up at the Plateau at about 12:00 and ate a traditional Iranian meal. It consists of rice and a soup with pomegranate. Then we had some meat, I think it was lamb. I personally didn't like. We started taking pictures of them and Abraham told us that the highest peak is Damavand and is 18,406 feet. After we finished taking pictures and got all the info we left and went back to the hotel. I was so tired. By the time we got to hotel it was 7:00 and we went to sleep. That was the end of the Plateau of Iran.

Peace, Love and Hope
Allison, Phuong and Ciera.

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