Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Story of Muhammad

Muhammed was the founder of Islam. He was born in 570 and was orphaned at a young age. His uncle Abu Talib raised him. His father died 6 months before he was born. His uncle was a merchant so Muhammed was a merchant also. Muhammed was also a shepard. At the age of 25 he married Khadiija and she was 40 at the time they wed. They had 6 kids and Khadiija died at 65 years. After she died Muhammed was lonely so he married a widowed woman at the age of 55. Then he married Aisha, one of Muhammeds best friends daughter. Aisha was six or seven at the time of the marriage. Muhammed continued to marry women. He mostly married widowed woman and he married them for protection. Allah(God) prohibited him to be married to more than 9 women at a time. Muhammed had a total of 13 wives in his lifetime. At the age of 4o, Muhammed went to a cave to meditate. Allah gave him his first message in that cave. After that Muhammed had few followers and was treated harshly. Muhammed and his followers moved to Medina. This became know as the Hiijra and is the beginning of the Islamic calender. In 622 Muhammed and his 10,000 followers conqured Mecca. While there, Muhammed fell ill and died. By the death of Muhammed the Arabian Peninsula has converted to Islam.

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