Thursday, March 4, 2010

Red Sea

We went to the Red Sea in hopes of discovering some awesome fossils. Unfourtunately we didn't find anything but water because it is 1,400 miles long and 221 miles wide. As soon as we got there we went to see the Red Sea. Abraham told us that the Red Sea was formed by the movement of two plates. Then he said that in 1869, the Red Sea becomes a commercial shipping route. We walked along the shore and Abraham continued to talk. Most of what he said we really didn't care because we were tired of this long trip. I did catch one more thing he said. He said that the "Red Sea" name came from the Greek word Erythra Thalassa. We were so tired that we left after that and went to dinner and then to the hotel. The next day we left and went home. We were so glad.

Goodbye, Peace, Love and Hope
Ciera, Allison and Phuong.

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